Jumat, 22 Desember 2017


Hello fellas, How was your day? kali ini aku mau share contoh speech yang pernah aku bawain di Speech Competion dan di acara Language Day di boarding school a.k.a pondok pesantren. Isi dari speech ini adalah untuk mengajak para santri yang notaben nya tinggal di pondok pesantren yang diwajibkan setiap harinya untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris dan bahasa arab, khususnya di pondok pesantren yang berbasis bahasa, sebab bahasa inggris adalah bekal kita untuk mensyiarkan agama islam ke penjuru dunia, menegakkan keadilan, menegakkan hak kemanuasiaan seperti membela saudara kita yang berada di palestina yang sedang berjuang untuk mempertahankan keislamannya.

We know that right now is international trade, one thing opens to another things. We are the canddate of the leader of the young generation. Where should we bring our country to? What should we do?
We can't do anything in this globalization if we do not have a communication well. Every country has different languages, but in this world only have one language, that is english. I mean that english is an international language. It's very impossible if we know nothing about english, we can survive in this globalization. We'll be lost and so will our country neither, but no worry, we can be the winner, we can compet with another if we want to learn english.
You know that, english is our modal for our dakwah to the west country which never know about islam. How can we share about islam if don't know their language? so, it's our duty to share islam to the west country.
We should grateful unto Allah, we stay in boarding school. We have many facilities, we have many teachers, many friends who are able to speak english well. We can get them to be our partner of speaking. We get some vocabularies every day, if we don't apply in our daily activity it will be useless. It's mean that you waste your time just to do the same thing.
Don't be shy to make a mistake, try to speak english, start from a simple sentence until you can be as journalist of english, and you can be an ambassador and until you can be what's you wanna be. So, i'm asking to you all, are you ready to speak english? If you're ready, you prove it. That's all i can present in front of you all, i hope it can motivate you to practice more and more.
Ini aku kasih foto sewaktu lagi speech nya ya hehe, temen ku satu lagi itu dia yang pidato pakai bahasa arab.


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